Phone: 210-432-8600
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Cleotilde Mendez
Ms. Mendez is our Health Coordinator. She is certified to work with and handle any minor first-aid situations that transpire at the school. Ms. Mendez is, also, certified to hold vision, hearing and spinal testing that is done throughout the year.
Health Related Policies
In compliance with Tex. Edu. Code 28.002 (1), Students at Bexar County Academy are not allowed to have access to the vending machines in the Teachers’ Workroom. Signs are clearly posted on the vending machines stating that they are off limits to students. Teachers and staff reinforce this policy by closely monitoring and advising students of the policy.
Bexar County Academy Charter School Classroom Procedures for Communicable Diseases
Health Information and Resources
Meningitis Information
Guidelines for Food Allergies
COVID-19 Symptoms Infographic
COVID-19 Symptoms Chart