Health Related Policies

    • The Texas Education Agency's Coordinated School Health Model is implemented at the Bexar County Academy via its Coordinated School Health Plan.  The Plan promotes policies intended to ensure that scholars engage in at least the amount and level of physical activity required by Texas Education Code Section 28.001(1).  The Plan includes action steps such as; (i) updating the Wellness Plan, (ii) using the Wellness Plan to communicate with parents and caregivers more effectively and (iii) incorporating the guidelines of the Wellness Plan into the Physical Education/Health Classes.
    • The Academy’s Health Advisory Council plans to meet quarterly during the 2021-2022 school year.
    • In accordance with the food service guidelines, Academy students do not have access to vending machines during the school day (including the lunch period).
    • The Academy has adopted, and enforces, policies and procedures which penalize the use of tobacco products by students and others on school grounds or at school-sponsored or school related activities. See the Academy’s Student Handbook for details.
    • Parents/Guardians may require in writing their child’s physical fitness assessment results at the conclusion of the school year. Beginning in March, 2015, Parents/Guardians of 2nd – 8th grade students can access their scholar(s) physical fitness assessment results online via the Texas Education Agency website.